Genealogische Daten aus [rehberg.ged]
Il GEDCOM è stato creato usando GRAMPS 2.0.5-1 il 4 Dicembre 2005 173 Persone, 66 Famiglie 6 Fonti, 3 Altri dati Cognomi più comuni Rehberg
Benvenuto nella tua Genealogia
28 Novembre 2005 - 11:57:53pm The genealogy information on this website is powered by PhpGedView 3.3.8. This page provides an introduction and overview to this genealogy. To begin working with the data, choose one of the charts from the Charts menu, go to the Individual list, or search for a name or place. If you have trouble using the site, you can click on the Help icon to give you information on how to use the page that you are currently viewing. Thank you for visiting this site.
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7 Febbraio 2025 - 3:11:50am